
Dedicated to your cause.....

We all face different pressures at different times in our life. Sometimes self- doubt, frustrations, fears and disappointments can creep in and knock us off balance, making us feel confused about what to do next, stopping us from getting the results we really want.

At ROOTBALL, I work in partnership with you to help you overcome your challenges - I am completely dedicated to your cause. Every Growth Plan is designed especially for you and is available to book on a one to one basis.

We meet in scenic surroundings or appealing urban settings that encourage creative flow. Our conversations can also take place via Skype video call, if you want to chat from the comfort of your own home or favourite location.

Rootball Coaching and Consultancy Growth Plans are developed with a genuine enthusiasm to help make the changes you want in an original, fun and creative way and stem from a solid professional background, supported by relevant accredited training and qualifications.

Lifeworks, country stroll, cornfield

Make big life changes or give your lifestyle a lift....

Lifeworks Growth Plans take you on a journey of exploration to find your true principle purpose in life. You can make a living doing what you love, whether it is turning your passions or hobbies into a business, securing a job that is more suited to your talents or finding work that gives you a deep sense of purpose to make a real difference in the world. Get in touch.

Lifestyle Lifting Growth Plans help you understand what makes you tick, get a better work-life balance, how you can honour your core values and find greater freedom and balance in your busy life. Get in touch.